Are you interested in coaching a Micro Footie team?
Coaching experience preferred, but training is provided. You must be 16 years of age or older and You will also be required to make a commitment of a 1 hour practice, 1x/per week, and a 1 hour Saturday game time between April 20 – June 22, 2019 and attend the Coach’s Training Clinics below.
A police record check will be required before you begin coaching.
Coaches Orientation Meeting and Coaches Clinic – MANDATORY
These coach’s sessions will be lecture format followed by a practical session in the gym or the Brit Oval. Dress to play soccer!
Sun April 7, Meet in Brit High School Gym A/B and Brit Oval
9:00-11:30am Mini/Beg/Inter 1 Coaches
12:00-2:30pm Inter 2/Advanced Coaches
3:00-5:00pm Super Advanced/Sr Super Advanced
Additional Coaching Clinics (TENTATIVE)
Coaches, Please mark these dates in your calendar.
Session #1: Tue April 2, Gym A/B, 8:00-10:00pm (specific divisions to be announced later)
Session #2: Thu Apr 4, 7:00—10:00pm, Gym A/B (specific divisions to be announced later)
Session #3: Sat April 6 OR Sun April 7, Time, location TBA
Session #4: Sun May 5, Time, location TBA
Email if you are interested!